Sunday, August 17, 2008

Men vs Women

I don't mean to be a sexist or wad, but i just want your opinion,

Generally, We both need each other, guys need girls and girls need guys to live on with their lives. God made us in such a way that we have to depend on each other. Men normally act using their brains and women act using their senses and follow their hearts. When we combine we balance each other helping us to do better. We are attracted to each other (no offense to gays, and lesbians).

Well who do u think is better? stronger? smarter? leave ur comments not in da Cbox


Dovy Lace said...

good opinion..
we really need each other

Anis said...

I agree with b@by ph@t opinion.. that we do need each other same goes to u CI... stronger or smarter is not a big deal.. both male/female can achieve it if we just try... so just treat each other equally. God already created us for one another because He know that we need one another. Imagine if this world are only living by a guys... what would it be..? man & boys, boys & man... same sex... (boring..) btw did u got any CURRENT issue... I wud like 2 know especially in Malaysia

Anonymous said...

I think you're lame.. Malaysia has already did this. Please don't give opinion on this topic anymore .. caz' if foreigners see this, they would think that malaysia still in lame style of not giving equal chances to both women n men.. just my opinion

Anonymous said... right..god creates women and men to be together..every single person has their own you said..girls use their instict while boys use their brain..god creates that so that we can combine it to become a perfect balancing..i see an eye to eye with your opinion..i really2 agree..

Anonymous said...

good one... we need each other to complete one and another

Anonymous said...

I agree ;) no one is perfect in this world . we need each other to have a better life...

Anonymous said...

smarter of course...

Anonymous said...

both are need to each others to complete our nature as human...