Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mat Rempits

Hey all,

Well most of us all know what mat rempits are right? For those dont know, mat rempits are guys on motorbikes usually racing or showing off what they can do on and with thier motorbikes. They can be found almost everywhere in KL around night time. Yes, it is illegal, but there are just too many of them out there dangering thier lives and other cyclist or drivers lives. This is 1 of the most critical social issues among the teens these days.

Well here's a pic of a Mat Rempit in action

Everybody says its influenced by the wrong company, but i'd say its thier choice. They think by doing this they could be "popular" the easy way, or maybe be " heroes". Well, yeah a bike is quite cheap and affordable, but hopefully now since the petrol priced has increased, it will cut down the number or mat rempits in town. Mat rempit is like a new trend, they probably do it to attract attention by ramming thier engines, doing monkey stunts on the highway, or simply just shouting and speeding.

I just hope that they will realise the danger that they cause to them selves and to other citizens. To all u Mat Rempits, if u think its cool doing all these stuns, well think again. To you and ur fellow mat rempits, u look like a hero but to us... u simply look like this

Yeap, monkeys on a motorbike. Please wake up, everybody has thier own talent, find yours and shine on it. If u fail in school doesnt mean its end of the world and u cant do anything about it, there's an old saying " If there's a will, there is a way".

Remember, Malaysia BOLEH!!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Petrol Saving

Fellow Malaysians,

Since our goverment has increased the fuel price, lets stop rioting or complaining and instead,start thinking on how to save our fuel. Here's a few tips on how to save your petrol =)

Well first of all, as we all know acceleration consumes petrol right? Try to avoid high speeds on open roads. Which will also increase safety during travelling. For example accelerating from 90km/hour to 110km/hour on highways will increase fuel consumption by 25%.

The other thing that drivers love to do is leaving their engine on while waiting for someone. Idling the engine consumes more fuel rather then turning it off and on again. Waiting in the car while the engine is running is also dangerous deal to the chemical released by the car airconds. So while you are waiting for ur loved ones or simply your friends, turn off ur engine to save petrol and save the enviroment.

Using a thicker tire means more rolling resistance, hence consuming more petrol. But this also decreases the controling of the car, so its not very advisible for new drivers. Keeping ur tires pumped to its required pressure will also contribute in saving your fuel. Besides all that, keeping ur air filters clean also might help. Because when the air filters are clogged up, less airflow to the engine, thus it is harder for combustion.

If you follow all of these steps, i am very sure u will see results. And also try to avoid places with traffic, use the radio for traffic reports. There is nothing we cant achieve when we put our minds to it

Malaysia Boleh!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Increasing of Petrol prices

Hey there,

Well as we all know, the fuel prices has been increased. Everyone is feeling the pinch or getting a hole in thier pocket. There are pros and cons in every situation, but unfortunatly for this situation the cons are more then the pros.

Lets start with the pros,

A survey has been done, and since the price hike the usage of personal cars has decreased and the usage of public transport has increased. Carpooling which was introduced years ago due to polution dint really catched our attention, but now friends and family are doing it to save consumption of petrol which is fairly expensive. Now less polution is happening so its a good thing right?

Now the cons,

The increase of petrol prices has also increased the prices of our daily materials. Prices for almost everything is increasing. Riots has occured infront of of KLCC

Im not very sure why did the goverment increase it, but we just hope they wont increase it more. As already the economy is quite bad, with the increase of fuel prices its making it worst.
People's thinking now is only on how to save petrol and how to use it lesser. Most of the food stalls and hawker stalls increased their prices due to petrol price hike. But as for the fast food restraunts, instead of increasing prices they decrease the ingredients.

Quote from the Star newspaper

Article no.1

"Stop the brain drain"(Sunday, 22 june, 2008)

I was very sad indeed to read the plight of "Unrecognised Malaysians" (Star Education June 8). Once again, we are losing our best brains to another country. Why? Because of the discriminating practices of our policy-makers, who suffer from a severe lack of confidence and fore-sight. Many of the fear seeing thier own countrymen and women excel simply because they are of a different race.

My quote :

I must agree with this gentleman, what he said is indeed true. I have heard Malaysians saying that they would want to migrate if they have the money or the education. If all of our best brains are migrating out of our country, very soon i am sure Malaysia will be empty!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Hello fellow Malaysian,

The reason this blog is created is not to criticize or in Bahasa Melayu its "Menyindir" anybody, it is not to side or blame anyone for what has happened.Whats done is done, what we can do now is fix the problem.I wanna point out what is actually happening to our beloved country, Malaysia. After reading all of these points that i have pointed out, i hope this could open our eyes and instead of fighting against each other, we'll work with each other towards sucess. We had this target, "Wawasan 2020" remember?

Malaysia is a beautiful country, we are safe from most of the natural dissasters such as earthquakes, tsunami, and thank God we have no valcanoes in Malaysia. Although we have flood, but its mainly caused by us humans. We take our drains as rubbish bins or recycle bins, when we do that, it will clog up our drains and then the rain waters wont be able to flow properly, hence we have floods. This could be easily stopped by throwing our rubbish in to the bins that have been prepared by our goverment.

But the most critical thing that is happening now is this new thing called racism? Why must we be racist? Why do we do things by seeing the skin color? We are Malaysians! There are bound to have people who doesnt share the same religion, tradision, or the same skin color. So why must we fight against each other. We can actually keep our differences aside and work together . Let me ask u a question, what do u gain from being racist? I personaly feel that this could all just be a misunderstanding. When racism occur among the adults, the young ones tend to follow. Once the adults are gone, the young ones are the one that is goin to lead this country. If they are exposed to such racism since young, what is goin to happen in the future?

Malaysia Boleh!!